The Anishinaabe Seven Fires Prophecy

  • March 1, 2025
  • Copied from Wiki..
  • The Council of Seven Fires, or Oceti Sakowin in Dakota...
  • The Anishinaabe Group of First Nations
  • Chief Joseph

    Short Essay,

    The Council of Seven Fires, or Oceti Sakowin in Dakota, is a confederacy of Native American groups that are also known as the Sioux. The groups are made up of bands that share kinship, dialect, and location.

  • The Prophecy of the Seven Fires of the Anishinaabe Then seven prophets appeared to the people. The First Prophet told the people that in the time of the First Fire they would leave their homes by the sea and follow the sign of the megis. They were to journey west into strange lands in search of a island in the shape of a turtle. This island will be linked to the purification of the earth. Such an island was to be found at the beginning and at the end of their journey. Along the way they would find a river connecting two large sweet water seas. This river would be narrow and deep as though a knife had cut through the land. They would stop seven times to create villages but they would know that their journey was complete when they found food growing on the water. If they did not leave, there would be much suffering and they would be destroyed. And they would be pursued and attacked by other nations along the way so they must be strong and ready to defend themselves.
  • -Click Here For The Anishinaabe Seven Fires Prophecy PDF file-

    Anishinaabe culture is based on a belief in the interconnectedness of all things, and on a way of life that respects the cycles of nature. The Anishinaabe are a group of First Nations that includes the Ojibwe, Algonquin, and Cree.